Can I Suggest Changes to GolfInRed

Without your feedback we cannot create the best community. Please let us know how we can improve our platform by emailing We love hearing about new ideas from members and constantly striving to provide users with the features they need.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Why Choose GolfInRed?

GolfInRed is a leader in Strokes Gained Analysis. Our mission is to provide golfers of all skill levels with the knowledge and tools to live the lifestyle under par. We remain focused on once simple philosophy-always deliver the highest in quality and provide value at the most affordable price. With a yearly membership starting at $89, you are getting access to one of the most comprehensive strokes gained systems available for half the price that our competitors charge! GolfInRed makes data entry the easiest with our strokes gained stickies and cuts out the noise so you are not bombarded with sub-optimal stats.

What is strokes gained?

Strokes gained is a way to measure a golfer’s performance on the course in comparison to a stable benchmark established by the average PGA Tour pro performance. Literally, right down to each individual stroke taken during your rounds of golf, you will know for every shot how many fractions of strokes you gained or lost with that stroke. GolfInRed is a system that uses strokes gained data to measure and improve golf performance and strategy. Never before has this kind of precision analysis of your golf game been possible – until Strokes Gained Analysis.

What if I change my mind and want a refund?

We offer no-questions-asked refunds to all customers within 30 days of your purchase. If you are not satisfied with our product, then simply send us an email and we will refund your purchase right away. Our goal has always been to create a happy, thriving community. If you are not thrilled with the product or are not enjoying the experience, then we have no interest in forcing you to stay an unhappy member.

Can I upgrade to a different package after signing up?

Yes, you can upgrade at any time after signing up. When you log in, visit your account page to check your current package and instructions on how to upgrade.

What happens if I cancel my subscription?

If you cancel your subscription, then your account will remain active for the remainder of your one year term. After that, you will lose access to the members area, strokes gained stickies, and support. 

Can I Suggest Changes to GolfInRed

Without your feedback we cannot create the best community. Please let us know how we can improve our platform by emailing We love hearing about new ideas from members and constantly striving to provide users with the features they need. Be sure to send screenshots and recordings to help illustrate your suggestion as clearly as possible!


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