The Secret To Golf

I learn the secret to golf. The day prior to the state championship for Chabot college, I got a chance to listen to Mike Watney the uncle of PGA Tour player Nike Watney.  Aside from telling us the secret to golf, he also passed on some useful information and tips that I want to share.

Drive for show and putt for dough. Something so convincing that we all have heard before. There is alot of truth in the statement, however, It conveys the message that driving the ball is not essential for scoring. Before I go any farther, I want to explain how serious I think putting is. To become a dominant player, you certainly cannot 3 putt and your percentage from inside 9 feet needs to be somewhere 80%. This means you dominate the area around the hole. Indeed putting is crucial, but so is driving.

If you can drive the ball average 310 yards, and your playing against someone who drives it 270 yards, its like you having a nuke and they have a sword. It’s easy to predict who will win. A surefire way to increase distance is by increasing  your clubhead speed. Getting stronger will give you a much better chance to swing the golf club faster and in more control. Having a wedge in your hand instead of a 7 or 8 iron dramatically increases your chance to make birdie, regardless if your hitting from the rough.

This poses the question of how beneficial iron shots are. Maybe more notable for a short hitter, but not particularly significant for someone who doesn’t use them. Taking into account the % of putts holed outside 9 feet also reduces the significance of iron shots.

 “There is no such thing as getting too strong, the stronger you get, the less hard you have to swing the golf club.” said Watney.

So this means hit the gym, hard!

Even if it doesn’t translate to faster clubhead speed, your swing will be easier to perform. Your rhythm will dramatically improve as a result of reduced effort for the same previous result. Every swing you take on the 18th hole is just as critical as the first. Building muscle will give you the endurance you want to keep your swing alive as you close a round.

If your still waiting to hear the secret to golf, I haven’t forgotten about you.

Instead of just telling you, ill explain it how Mike did.

Mike brought the  same clubs Nick Watney used in college when he played for him at Fresno State. He said the secret to golf is in these irons. Not just one but all of them. I was sitting a fair distance from Mike as he was speaking and  could clearly see what he was talking about. On the sweetspot of every club was proof that hitting a lot of balls will eventually wear them out.

No secrets, just HARD WORK.


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